Dementia Society Philippines | Dementia Organization in the Philippines

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DSP AFCS Continuing Partnership in 2016

Last September 21 – 25, 2016, the Australian Filipino Community Services (AFCS) conducted their Dementia Awareness Activities at Deakin Edge in Melbourne, Australia. This was a continuation of their previous project entitled “Filipinos Ageing in a Foreign Land”, which was held last October 2015.

The Dementia Society of the Philippines was once again invited to serve as resource speaker in the said event. Dr. Maurice “Bong” Sanosa and Ms. Precy “Peachy” Cruz came in behalf of DSP. They conducted lay lectures and shared their unique experiences in caring for Filipino elderlies with dementia. According to Ms. Norminda Forteza, managing director of AFCS, the audience connected well with their presentations. By the end of the sessions, “—many were in tears,” she said.

Dr. Jocelyn Apostol who is the new president of the Philippine Medical Association (PAMA), has invited Dr. Bong Sanosa to be part of the organizing committee for the planning and staging of the 2017 Filipino Families and Carers Health Day.

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On June 5, 2002 the Dementia Study Group was formed with the objective of conducting monthly scientific meetings on issues concerning cognitive impairment and dementia.