Dementia Society of the Philippines 17th Annual Convention at The Summit Galleria Hotel, Cebu City
The Dementia Society of the Philippines held the 17th Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders on October 17 – 18, 2019 at the Summit Galleria Hotel, Cebu City, with the theme “Integrative Care in Dementia: Unity in Diversity”. Advances in the etiology and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Cognitive impairment were discussed. The Philippine data on the epidemiology of Mild Cognitive Impairment was presented. The Mental Health Act was presented by its primary proponent, Dr. Edgardo Tolentino. The DOH Algorithm was presented by the immediate past president of DSP, Dr. Venus Serra Arain. The Legal Issues in Dementia and how it can be addressed was discussed by Atty. Patricia Syson. There was also an extensive presentation on the multimodal approach in assessing and managing individuals with dementia, including evaluation of swallowing, occupational, physical, and psychological rehabilitation, music, and dance therapy. Invited foreign speakers are known luminaries in the field of dementia and related research, Prof. Christopher Chen (Singapore) and Prof. Seong Soo An (Korea).
The workshop that was held on October 17 was well attended, with the participants having to choose among the four modules: Neuropsychological Test Administration and Scoring, Bedside Screening Tools and Neuroimaging in Dementia, Nursing Care in Dementia and Rehabilitation in Dementia. The successfully held annual convention was attended by physicians of various specializations, allied health professionals and laypeople.
The Summit Galleria, Cebu City, October 2019